JavaScript at the Edge

Write, run, and test Edge Applications with our new open source Fly® Runtime. When you're ready to ship, simply deploy to CacheFly's global hosting infrastructure with a single command.

Powering Our Partners

Get Ahead of the Competition with an Optimized Site

Modern JavaScript 

Lightning Fast Edge Libraries

Full Development Environment

Write modern JavaScript with all the async/await goodness available in ES2017. Target the same APIs you use in the browser: fetch, Response, Request, Streams, and more. Plus,
import other peoples' modules for faster development.

Deliver http requests fast. Resize, crop, and edit images with the Fly® image library. Modify content on every request: rewrite html, compress assets, and more!

Develop, run, and test locally using fly deploy/test in addition to staging and production environments.  Build an integrated continuous integration pipeline.

All rights reserved Cachenetworks LLC

The Fly® Runtime is an open source Javascript environment built to run Edge Applications, based on V8, with proxy-appropriate set of Javascript Libraries. It gives developers powerful caching, content modification, and routing tools. Plus;

  • Powerful APIs for solving content distribution problems
  • On the fly Next-gen Image optimization 
  • Application Load Balancing
  • Smart asset delivery
Fly® Features

Get a free Edge Report with your Google Lighthouse Score and how Fly® can improve SEO rankings, load times, and conversions.

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